Sherman Beef Cattle

Welcome to the Breed of the Future!

Address: 575 Brouse Road Montgomery, PA 17752
Cell Phone: 570-447-0866
Email Sherman Beef Cattle Now

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Why Black Herefords?

Our decision to focus on Black Herefords was not made overnight.  Our traditional Hereford genetics were developed first to ensure a solid base to build our Black Hereford program.  This “walk before we run approach” allowed us to capitalize on all this exciting breed has to offer rather than merely changing the coat color of our cattle.  This unique breed allows us the opportunity to capitalize on hybrid vigor and heterosis while maintaining our Hereford cattle base.  As a result, we are able to provide our customers with docility/feed efficiency of Herefords that is combined with the calving ease/ carcass characteristics of Angus in a product that is the color you can count on.

A Family Tradition

We are third generation farmers of the Sherman family to farm this land. Our goal is to produce cattle that are built for longevity while being economically sustainable in a forage based environment. Thank you for supporting our family farming tradition.

Our Foundation Sire

Building the genetic base for the operation was the first step… finding nationally known sire to walk the pastures with them was the second.  Not many operations of our size have a sire of this quality on display to act as the resident herdsire.  We acquired Thunderstruck in the spring of 2019 and have been amazed by his breeding merit.  His calves hit the ground unassisted and have phenomenal growth characteristics.  We are currently testing a group of progeny and have been extremely pleased with their performance.

We have never owned a bull as consistent as Thunderstruck.  The greatest compliment that a seedstock producer can receive is when buyers walk the pasture and cannot make up their mind on which bull or heifer prospect to purchase.  His calves have style to spare and their disposition is second to none.


Active Member Since: 6/05/2021
Membership Dates: 6/05/2021 to 4/01/2025


Register Animals for the 2025 Sale for Genetic Excellence

Final date to register online: February 1st, 2025

Sale April 5, 2025