Alex Cell Phone: 207-566-8303
Darrell Cell Phone: 270-566-2624
Email Selby Farms Now:
Darrell Selby is a graduate of Western Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture, a Masters of Science degree in Agriculture Education, and a Rank 1 in Education. He retired in 2011 having taught high school agriculture and having led the Future Farmers of America (FFA) for thirty two years.
With the purchase of his first Black Hereford bull in 2011, Darrell quickly saw the benefits in his commercial herd. In 2012, Selby Farms expanded with five bred heifers to begin their present ABHA herd. A member of the ABHA since 2013, Darrell is a lifetime member of the Kentucky Black Hereford Association where he served as its first president.
Darrell, his wife Sherri, and his son Alex reside in Russell Springs, KY where they operate Selby Farms. Sherri manages the computer application of the beef system while Alex helps coordinate the day to day operations.
Darrell enjoys the many challenges of breeding cattle and strives to improve the economic basis of the program as well as promote the qualities of the breed while sharing these attributes with other producers.
Active Member Since: 5/09/2020
Membership Dates: 5/09/2021 – 2/16/2022