Address: 118 Powdermill Hill Lane Lawrenceburg, TN 38464-8282
Cell Phone: 931-309-6805
Business: 931-766-2010
Email JM Cattle Company Now
WELCOME TO JM CATTLE COMPANY, a family owned operation located in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. For years we have been producing top replacement females. Granddaddy Johnson started raising cattle here in the 50’s. JM Cattle Company is not Jeremiah Malone but Johnson & Malone. Candace and I took over the farming operation in 2006. Building our herd from quality. It has been our Moto (It doesn’t cost much more to go FIRST CLASS!!). We are proud to serve the Southeast with Herefords and Black Herefords. Our location, east of the Mississippi, means you no longer have to go to out West to get to Black Herefords.
Want more information? Thank you for visiting our site and learning more about our program. If you would like more information on our Registered Black and Red Hereford sale cattle, please contact us by calling 931-309-6805, or emailing jrmalone20@gmail.com.
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Active Member Since: 9/23/2020
Membership Dates: 9/23/2020 – 9/23/2021