JHC Black Herefords

Welcome to the Breed of the Future!

Address: 922 Childress Ferry RD Blountville,TN 37617
Cell Phone: 423-302-8054
Email JH Cattle Now:

Owners Todd & Christine Hampton

JH Cattle gets its name from Todd’s dad, Jack. After he passed, we continued raising cattle and wanted to keep his legacy alive. So, we kept his JH Cattle farm name.

After years of raising bottle calves and feeder calves we switched to a cow/calf operation. We started out with some black Limousine cows and a black Angus bull, Jack that we named after Todd’s dad. Man, he was a great bull!! His time here on the farm was shortened by a case of lumpy jaw. On the hunt for a new herd bull, we discovered the Black Hereford breed. After looking at a herd of Black Herefords we instantly knew that we had found the breed we wanted. In 2017 we bought our first 4 bred Black Hereford heifers.  Today we have 30 Black Hereford mama cows and a 45 head commercial herd. And yes, we practice what we preach… we run a Black Hereford bull on the commercial mamas!

After 36 years in the civil/structural engineering world, Todd retired in July 2024. He spends his days taking care of our 80-acre farm and 175 acre leased farm property. Things can get pretty busy around the farm and Todd’s at it every day. He keeps going every day unless a John Wayne movie is on!!

Christine has spent over 35 years in the financial and IT world at a local Fortune 500 chemical company. She loves her job and works hard at it every day. Her hard work doesn’t stop at the office. When she gets home, she will step in and help out where needed. She is a valuable resource around the farm as she has this special knack with animals. Especially dogs and calves! Maybe one day soon she will be able to enjoy a good afternoon John Wayne movie herself!

We love our home here in North East Tennessee, God’s country as we call it! If you’re ever in the area, give us a call. We’d love to show you around this beautiful place we call home!!

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Active Member Since: 5/19/2020
Membership Dates:  5/19/2020 – 5/19/2025



Register Animals for the 2025 Sale for Genetic Excellence

Final date to register online: February 1st, 2025

Sale April 5, 2025