Owner: Josh Baldwin
Address: 283 County Road 552 Fyffe, Alabama 35971
Baldwin Black Herefords (JBF) is a family owned/ operated cattle farm Located in Northeast Alabama. Established in 2019, our goal is to breed, raise and provide quality animals that will bring profitability and sustainability to your herd.
In 2015 my dad and I began helping my great uncle Chalmer Yates with his cattle as his heath was declining. We ran commercial angus cross cows with Chiangus Bulls. Chalmer actually gave me my first cow to start my own herd with. He said it was a gift for helping him and he wanted to help me get started. We proceeded to run his herd while selling off calves and buying a few new cows from the local sale barn. After he passed away my great aunt decided she wanted to sell out of the cattle business.
I have always liked Hereford cattle, although we ran mostly angus. Over the years, watching sales at the local sale barn, I noticed Hereford cattle was getting docked more while your angus and “baldies” seemed to bring your best dollar. So the decision for me to choose the black Hereford breed was easy. I seen an opportunity to bring better quality cows with a look that sells to my farm.
In 2019 I bought my first Registered black Herefords. Thanks to Mr. Van Crane who helped me get started and has helped me along the way. I started out with 3 bred heifers and 1 bred cow and Registered Bull. My dad retained a couple of the better commercial cows we had and has also bought into the Black Herefords as well.
Today, we operate on roughly 100 acres of family owned land with around 30 Head of Registered Herefords and Black Herefords. We continue to strive each day to improve our cattle to be the best that we can offer!

Active Member Since: 3/21/2023
Membership Dates: 3/21/2023 – 3/21/2025